Use the verbs in passive. 1 Knowing how much I hate packing, Clara offered to help. But when she arrived, all my luggage (13) … and her help was not needed.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the verbs in passive.
1 Knowing how much I hate packing, Clara offered to help. But when she arrived,
all my luggage (13) … and her help was not needed. PACK
2 Due to some technical problem our flight (14) and we got stuck    DELAY
in the airport.
3 As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we (15) about the INFORM
programme of our excursions. We didn’t know what to start with — all of them
looked interesting.
4 If we don’t make the reservation right now, all the rooms in our favourite hotel
(16) look, there are only a few rooms available now OCCUPY
5 I always label every piece of my luggage. Iook! My phone number (17) … WRITE
on all my suitcases and hags. That means they cannot he lost.
6 Dear passengers, now you can unfasten your seat belts. In a few minutes you
(18) … some drinks and snacks. OFFER

Ответ от эксперта

1 had been packed (время Past Perfect)
2 was delayed (Past Simple)
3 were informed (Past Simple)
4 will be occupied (Future Simple)
5 is written (Present Simple)
6 will be offered (Future Simple)

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