Use the Present Perfect Continuous and the words in brackets to explain these situations. 1. Colin needs a drink. He’s been rehearsing since 6.30

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the Present Perfect Continuous and the words in brackets to explain these situations.
1. Colin needs a drink. He’s been rehearsing since 6.30

Ответ от эксперта

1. Colin needs a drink. He’s been rehearsing since 6.30. — Колину нужен напиток. Он репетировал с 6.30.
2. David’s very tired. He has been playing games for ages. — Дэвид очень устал. Он играл в игры сто лет.
3. Stephen’s arms are sore. He has been lifting weights in the gym for two hours. — Руки Стивена болят. Он поднимал вес в тренажерном зале в течение двух часов.
4. Tracy feels stressed out. She has been teaching Colin to drive since two o’clock. — Трейси чувствует стресс. Она учит Колина водить с двух часов.
5. Colin’s looking thin. He has not been eating much recently. — Колин выглядит худым. Он не ел много в последнее время.
6. I know all the lyrics to So Happy. I have been listening to the song all day. — Я знаю весь текст к «Так счастлив». Я слушаю песню весь день.

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