Use the correct adjective/adverb from the Iist below in the correct form to complete the sentences. 1 Out of all Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, the Mona Lisa is probably

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the correct adjective/adverb from the Iist below in the correct form to complete the sentences.
1 Out of all Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings, the Mona Lisa is probably the one people know the most.
2 Can you try to describe the picture a little more accurately? I’m still not sure which one you’re talking about.
3 This is by far the worst concert I’ve ever been to. It is far too crowded and the sound is terrible!
4 You may find it difficult now, but with a little more practice, you’ll be able to paint landscapes more easily.
5 Now that he’s had a few lessons, Jason can play the guitar much better than a few weeks ago.
6 Jake has started his school exams, so now he has much less time to spend on his favourite hobbies.

Ответ от эксперта

1 the most
2 more accurately
3 the worst
4 more easily
5 better
6 less

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