Use the articles a / an or the if necessary. 1 We are going to be late. Let’s take a taxi, shall we? 2 Is he going to Paris or London next year?

Вопрос от пользователя

Use the articles a / an or the if necessary.
1    We are going to be late. Let’s take a taxi, shall we?
2    Is he going to Paris or London next year?
3    The trip was very tiring and the train was three hours late.
4    Would you like going by train or by air?
5    It was stuffy in the bus the passengers were hot and angry.
6    There was nobody at the station. Only a taxi driver was waiting for rare passengers to take them to their hotels.

Ответ от эксперта

1 a
2 —; —
3 the
4 —; —
5 the
6 a; —

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