Use must, may / might, can / could or can’t / couldn’t plus the correct form of the verb in these sentences. 1 Where was Peter yesterday? He … (be) at school.

Вопрос от пользователя

Use must, may / might, can / could or can’t / couldn’t plus the correct form of the verb in these sentences.
1 Where was Peter yesterday? He … (be) at school. The school year started a week ago.
2 I’m absolutely sure! They … (arrive) yesterday. I saw their tickets.
3 The course … (begin) on the fifth of September but I’m not so certain about it.
4 Are you joking! Nick … (go) to Moscow last week. He’s supposed to be at work now.
5 They … (come from) London, but I’m not sure.
6 We … (take) the wrong turn. We should be there by now.
7 They … (miss) their train. Otherwise they would be here by now.
8 It… (be) Masha who answered the phone because she’s away.
9 I can’t find my cat anywhere. She … (get out) through the window.
The opening is too small.

Ответ от эксперта

1 must have been (должен быть)
2 must have arrived (должно быть прибыли)
3 might / could have begun (возможно/может начался)
4 can’t / couldn’t have gone (не мог поехать)
5 might / could have come (возможно/могли приехать)
6 must have taken (должно быть повернули)
7 must have missed (должно быть пропустили)
8 can’t / couldn’t have been (не могла быть)
9 can’t / couldn’t have got out (не мог вылезти)

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