Use four of the above places to make sentences. 1 Let’s meet at the airport in an hour, OK?

Вопрос от пользователя

Use four of the above places to make sentences.
1 Let’s meet at the airport in an hour, OK?
2 Do you have to pay tolls on the motorways in France?
3 There were a lot of people at the bus stop this morning.
4 We’ve been on the road for 2 hours now, so we should be arriving soon.

Ответ от эксперта

1 Let’s meet at the airport in an hour, OK? (Давай встретимся у аэропорта через час, хорошо?)
2 Do you have to pay tolls on the motorways in France? (Ты должен платить пошлину на автомагистрали во Франции?)
3 There were a lot of people at the bus stop this morning (На автобусной остановке этим утром было много народа).
4 We’ve been on the road for 2 hours now, so we should be arriving soon (Мы на дороге сейчас уже 2 часа, поэтому мы должны скоро прибыть).

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