Underline the mistakes and correct them, as in the example. 1 What would you rather to do, go to the cinema or stay in and watch a DVD?

Вопрос от пользователя

Underline the mistakes and correct them, as in the example.
1 What would you rather to do, go to the cinema or stay in and watch a DVD?
2 I’d sooner read a book than seeing this boring film.
3 Alice prefers going to the theatre from seeing films at the cinema.
4 I would prefer not watching a thriller tonight; I’d like to see a comedy.
5 Laura prefers concerts to listen to her favourite artists on CD.
6 The Waltons would prefer to see the play tonight rather than to wait until next week.

Ответ от эксперта

2 seeing -> see
3 from -> to
4 watching -> to watch
5 listen -> listening
6 to wait -> wait

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