Underline the correct word, then make a sentence with the other one. 1 The people who inhabited/lived the island had been there for centuries. 2 The statues were carved/cut in the 5th century BC.

Вопрос от пользователя

Underline the correct word, then make a sentence with the other one.
1 The people who inhabited/lived the island had been there for centuries.
2 The statues were carved/cut in the 5th century BC.
3 What happened remains a mystic/ mystery.
4 The World Heritage Organisation works hard to preserve/conserve ancient sites.
5 The Aztecs and the Incas are two lost/disappeared civilisations.
6 The city is now in ruins/remains, but still very beautiful.
7 If you go to Paris, you can’t fail/miss to notice the Eiffel Tower.
8 Machu Picchu is an important archaeological/ ancient site.
9 People thought Delphi was the centre of the familiar/known world.
10 The Oracle was used to predict/forecast the future by the ancient Greeks.
11 The Parthenon was built to honour/praise Athena.

Ответ от эксперта

1 inhabited (=населяли, lived — жили)
2 carved (=вырезаны, cut — нарезаны)
3 mystery (=загадка, mystic — мистик)
4 preserve (=сохранить, conserve — консервировать)
5 disappeared (=исчезнувший, lost — утерянный, утраченный)
6 ruins (=руины, remains — останки)
7 fail (=сделать ошибку, miss — пропускать)
8 archaeological (=археологический, ancient — древний)
9 known (=известного, familiar — знакомого)
10 predict (=предсказывать, forecast — делать прогноз)
11 praise (=прославлять, honour — почитать, чтить)

1 My grandfather lived in a tiny cottage in Wales (Мой дед жил в крошечном доме в Уэльсе)
2 The trees were all cut down (Все деревья были срезаны)
3 Her future was told by a travelling mystic (Ее будущее рассказал путешествующий мистик)
4 We need to conserve supplies or we’ll run out soon (Нам нужно сохранить запасы, иначе у нас скоро все закончится)
5 I got lost and didn’t know where I was (Я потерялся и не знал, где я)
6 Athens is full of the remains of a great civilization (Афины полны остатков погибшей цивилизации)
7 Don’t miss the bus or you’ll be late for work (Не пропусти автобус или ты опоздаешь на работу)
8 The Celts are an ancient people (Кельты – это древние люди)
9 The face is familiar, but the name I can’t recall (Лицо мне знакомо, но я не могу вспомнить имя)
10 What did the weather forecast say? (Что говорится в прогнозе погоды на сегодня?)
11 They honoured the winning football team with a parade (Они почтили победившую футбольную команду демонстрацией)

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