Underline the correct word. 1) The brightly decorated trees look wonderful at night. 2) People are wandering around happily, admiring the sculptures at the Winter Festival.

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Underline the correct word.
1) The brightly decorated trees look wonderful at night.
2) People are wandering around happily, admiring the sculptures at the Winter Festival.
3) They are waiting patiently to buy tickets for the show.
4) The children are watching the game and cheering enthusiastically.

Ответ от эксперта

1 brightly (т.к. delicious – вкусно, а excitedly – с волнением)
2 happily (т.к. smartly – бойко, а hurriedly – наспех)
3 patiently (т.к. slowly – медленно, а proudly – гордо)
4 enthusiastically (т.к. exotically – экзотично, а surely – непременно)

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