Underline the correct time expression 1 George has basketball lessons every week/ at the moment. 2 Tina goes jogging these days/twice a week.

Вопрос от пользователя

Underline the correct time expression
1 George has basketball lessons every week/ at the moment.
2 Tina goes jogging these days/twice a week.
3 He is not working at the moment/on Tuesdays.
4 Sometimes/At the moment he is surfing the Net

Ответ от эксперта

  1. George has basketball lessons every week/ at the moment. — У Джорджа уроки баскетбола каждую неделю
  2. Tina goes jogging these days/twice a week. — Тина ходит на пробежку дважды в неделю.
  3. He is not working at the moment/on Tuesdays. — Он сейчас не работает.
  4. Sometimes/At the moment he is surfing the Net. — Сейчас он сидит в интернете.
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