Underline the correct item. 1 The teacher told me not to leave before she spoke to me. 2 The performance starts at eight, doesn’t it?

Вопрос от пользователя

Underline the correct item.
1 The teacher told me not to leave before she spoke to me.
2 The performance starts at eight, doesn’t it?
3 Dad promised to be at the train station when we arrive.
4 After the accident, the police asked us if we were hurt.
5 I’ve looked for my book everywhere, but I still can’t find it.
6 The band told us they would perform at the park on Saturday.
7 Let’s take a drive to the country, shall we?
8 The mechanic said there was nothing wrong with the car.

Ответ от эксперта

1 not to leave
2 doesn’t it
3 to be
4 asked
5 everywhere
6 would perform
7 shall we
8 nothing

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