Turn the following into reported questions. 1 Fred asked, «Are those snakes poisonous?» 2 «Have you seen Derek?» Terry asked me.

Вопрос от пользователя

Turn the following into reported questions.
1 Fred asked, «Are those snakes poisonous?»
2 «Have you seen Derek?» Terry asked me.
3 Dad asked Nancy, «Would you like me to pick you up?»
4 Jack asked the receptionist, «Does my room have Internet service?»
5 David asked Bill, «What is Moscow like?»
6 Rick asked Mary, «Have you had your photos developed yet?»
7 «Do you feel safe walking home at night?» Becky asked her brother.
8 «Is Hawaii part of the United States?» Frank asked his teacher.
9 Tom asked his friend, «Have you ever been to Australia?»
10 April asked me, «What are you doing?»

1 Fred asked if/whether the snakes were poisonous.
2 Terry asked me if/whether I had seen Derek.
3 Dad asked Nancy if/whether he would like him to pick her up.
4 Jack asked the receptionist if/whether his room had Internet service.
5 David asked Bill what Moscow was like.
6 Rick asked Mary if/whether she had had her photos developed yet.
7 Becky asked her brother if/whether he felt safe walking home at night.
8 Frank asked his teacher if/whether Hawaii was part of the United States.
9 Tom asked his friend if/whether he had ever been to Australia.
10 April asked me what I was doing.

Ответ от эксперта

1 Fred asked if/whether the snakes were poisonous (Фред спросил, ядовиты ли эти змеи).
2 Terry asked me if/whether I had seen Derek (Терри спросил меня, видел ли я Дерека).
3 Dad asked Nancy if/whether he would like him to pick her up (Папа спросил Нанси, хотела бы она, чтобы он забрал ее).
4 Jack asked the receptionist if/whether his room had Internet service (Джек спросил администратора, есть ли в его комнате услуга интернет).
5 David asked Bill what Moscow was like (Дэвид спросил Билла, какова Москва).
6 Rick asked Mary if/whether she had had her photos developed yet (Рик спросил Мэри, не проявила ли она еще свои фотографии).
7 Becky asked her brother if/whether he felt safe walking home at night (Бекки спросил своего брата, чувствует ли он себя в безопасности, идя домой ночью).
8 Frank asked his teacher if/whether Hawaii was part of the United States (Франк спросил своего учителя, являются ли Гавайи частью США).
9 Tom asked his friend if/whether he had ever been to Australia (Том спросил своего друга, был ли он когда-нибудь в Австралии).
10 April asked me what I was doing (Эйприл спросила меня, что я делаю).

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