Tick the opinions you agree with. Look at the examples and write down more adjectives, using the root words from the box and one of the suffixes or prefixes in the list.

Вопрос от пользователя

Tick the opinions you agree with.
Look at the examples and write down more adjectives, using the root words from the box and one of the suffixes or prefixes in the list.
care        cheer        fool        forget        friendly        geography happy
honest invent kind music pleasant profession region
rely success thought tradition
-al national ___
-ical biological -able fashionable -ful helpful ____
-less thoughtless
-ish childish ___
-ive creative un- unsociable dis- dissatisfied

Ответ от эксперта

-al: musical, regional, professional, traditional
-ical: geographical
-able: reliable
-fill: careful, cheerful, forgetful, successful, thoughtful
-less: careless
-ish: foolish
-ive: inventive
un-: unfriendly, unkind, unhappy, unpleasant
dis-: dishonest

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