Think of three questions you would like to ask about Chekhov. Then, read the biography and see if you can answer them. Anton Pavlovich

Вопрос посетителя

Think of three questions you would like to ask about Chekhov. Then, read the biography and see if you can answer them.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born in Taganrog in Russia. When he was nineteen, he went to medical school in Moscow and later became a doctor. It was while working as a doctor that he began to publish his stories in order to help support his family. By 1886, he had become famous as a writer of plays and short stories. His works include the play The Seagull (1896) and his famous short story The Steppe (1888).
Chekhov was a very fast writer who could produce a story in under an hour! A typical Chekhov story is about the thoughts and emotions of the characters. In The Darling (1899), Chekhov describes a woman, Olenka who uses other people to give her own life meaning.

Ответ эксперта

I would like to ask what books Chekhov wrote, where he travelled, what cities are connected with his name, what famous plays he wrote.
(Я бы хотел спросить какие книги Чехов написал, где он путешествовал, какие города связаны с его именем, какие известные пьесы он написал.)

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