Think of a famous person you like and talk about him/her to the class. Use the phrases from Ex. 3 to help you

Вопрос посетителя

Think of a famous person you like and talk about him/her to the class. Use the phrases from Ex. 3 to help you

Ответ эксперта

Beckham’s full name is David Robert Joseph Beckham. He is from Leytonstone, England. His birthday is on 2nd May. He has got blond hair, he is tall and slim. He is mar ried to Victoria Beckham and he has got three children. He can drive very well and he likes fast cars. He also likes shopping and is learning Spanish. — Полное имя Бэкхема — Дэвид Роберт Джозеф Бекхам. Он из Лейтонстоуна, Англия. Он родился 2-го мая. У него светлые волосы, он высокий и худой. Он женат на Виктории Бекхам. У него трое детей. Он умеет хорошо водить машины и любит быстрые автомобили.

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