These are some ideas how to «be green»? Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You may use them several times. 0) Below are a few ideas.

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These are some ideas how to «be green»?
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. You may use them several times.
0)  Below are  a few ideas.
1)  Recycling materials means that_____greenhouse gases
are  produced.   Using  old  glass  to  make  new  glass  uses ________ energy,
________materials and causes________pollution than making totally new glass.
2)  Use____paper, write on both sides.
3)  Choose products with_____chemicals.
4)  Watch ____ TV. Take _________walk instead. It is good for your health and
for the environment.
5)  In some areas there are _____ places for wild plants and animals than there
were some years ago. You can make your garden and plant_____flowers.

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