There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it 1 Goldilocks says, «I need a chair.» 2 The bed is nice and big. 3 Think of your porridge with lots of milk.

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There is one wrong word in each sentence. Correct it
1   Goldilocks says, «I need a chair.»
2  The bed is nice and big.
3  Think of your porridge with lots of milk.
4  Sleep with a smile.

Ответ эксперта

Goldilocks says, «I need a bed.’’ — Златовласка говорит: «Мне нужна кровать».

The bed is nice and small. — Кровать хорошая и маленькая.

Think of your porridge with lots of cream. — Подумай о каше с большим количеством сливок.

Wake with a smile.- Проснись с улыбкой.

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