There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and correct each sentence. (0) I have check with mum if I want to use the computer. I have to

Вопрос от пользователя

There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and correct each sentence.
(0) I have check with mum if I want to use the computer. I have to
1 That has to be Harry, he always comes at 10 am. _____
2  I might not to come to the club tomorrow because I have to go to the doctor.  
3  I don’t think we should buy him this tie. He mustn’t like the colour.
4  This information must to be useful.  
5 My brother have to walk the dog. It is his chore.
6 Have your parents to check your homework diary?

Ответ от эксперта

(0)  1 have check with mum if I wani to use the computer. I have to check with mum if I want to use the computer.
1. That lias to be I larry, he always comes at 10 am   That    must    be Harry, he always comes at 10 am.
2.  I might not to come to the club tomorrow because I have to go to the doctor. 1 mustn’t come to the club tomorrow because I have to go to the doctor
3.  I don’t think we should buv him this tie. He mustn’t like the colour. He may not like the colour.
4.  This information must to be useful. This infomiatioii must be useful,
5.  My brother have to walk the dog. It is his chore. My brother has to walk the dog. It is his chore.
6.   Have your parents to check your homework diary Must your parents check your homework diary?

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