There are many famous performers and composers in Russia. And there are conservatoire students and music school pupils who may become famous in the future.

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There are many famous performers and composers in Russia. And there are conservatoire students and music school pupils who may become famous in the future.
Which of them do you know? Use the underlined verbs to form the nouns and translate them. Use a dictionary to check.
0) Modest Mussorgsky composed music known all over the world. He was a great Russian composer.
1) Ul’yana Lopatkina dances at the Mariinsky Theatre. But many world theatres ask her to dance on their stages because she is a brilliant ballet dancer.
2) Igor Moiseev founded his famous Folk Dancing Ensemble in 1937. And he was known not only as the choreographer of the Ensemble but also of new ways in choreography.
3) Mikhail Glinka wrote the first Russian national opera in which he followed ethnic musical traditions. As a follower of the Russian folk tunes he showed how rich the world of the ethnic music is.
4) Sergei Rachmaninoff performed in the best world concert halls as a pianist with great success. He was not only a brilliant performer but also a wonderful composer.
5) As the leader of the Virtuosos of Moscow Orchestra, Vladimir Spivakov contributed much to the development of the chamber2 music. He is also a contributor to the violin playing.
6) Pavel Kolesnikov is working hard as a pianist because he wants to win the Tchaikovsky Contest. He will be able to perform with the best orchestras as a winner of the famous competition.
7) Alexandra Pakhmutova is very popular in Russia because she has written hundreds of songs. She is known as a successful writer.
8) Nikita Zverev who is a young 12-year-old pianist has just begun his musical career. He is not known to the public because he is just a beginner.

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1 dancer
2 choreographer
3 follower
4 performer
5 contributor
6 winner
7 writer
8 beginner

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