The Wellers are preparing for the trip to Britain. Why are they doing these things? Explain. Amy is buying souvenirs. William is studying the map of

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The Wellers are preparing for the trip to Britain.  Why are they doing these things? Explain.
Amy is buying souvenirs. William is studying the map of
London. Melanie   and   Amy   are   buying
Caribbean3 folk costumes. William is learning the British
driving rules.

Ответ эксперта

Веллеры сейчас занимаются разными делами. Зачем они их делают? Что они будут делать   в   ближайшем   будущем?   Выберите слова из правой колонки.
Melanie is packing her things now. — She is going on holidays tomorrow.
Sheila is ironing her things now. — She is going to the party in the evening.
Stuart and Daniel are riding their bikes. — They are taking part in a bike competition tomorrow.
Stuart’s mother is cooking food now. — She is having a party in the evening.
Stuart’s father is running now. — He is running a marathon in a week.

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