The term «void contract» is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace «since» without changing the meaning:

Вопрос посетителя

It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
 (*ответ*) Exchange and barter.
 Chose in action.
 Valuation .
It was our fault. Please… once again.
 (*ответ*) accept our apologies
 accept our apologising
 except our apologies
 expect our apologies
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace «due to» without changing the meaning:
 (*ответ*) Because of.
 So as.
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. «Enjoy quiet possession» here means:
 (*ответ*) Have quiet possession.
 Have the goods free of charge.
 Have quite a possession.
 Can pay by degrees.
Retail stores constitute
 (*ответ*) 20 percent of all US businesses
 more than 71 percent of all US businesses
 50 percent of all US businesses
 31 percent of all US businesses
Retail stores constitute
 (*ответ*) 20 percent of all US businesses
 more than 71 percent of all US businesses
 50 percent of all US businesses
 31 percent of all US businesses
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the…
 (*ответ*) seller who is unpaid
 seller who is paid
 broker who is unpaid
 buyer who is unpaid
The breach of… will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
 (*ответ*) The condition.
 The disposal.
 The custody.
 The warranty.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the… of one of the parties.
 (*ответ*) default
The consideration of a contract of sale must be….
 (*ответ*) money
 bargain and sale
 sale and delivery
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes… as well as… is one «whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called… «.
 (*ответ*) a bargain and sale; a sale and delivery; the price
 a bargach and sale; exchange and barter; the price
 a sale and delivery; the price; the valuation
 goods and sale; a bargain and delivery; the sum
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace «speciality contract» by the right synonym:
 (*ответ*) Deed.
The law… certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
 (*ответ*) Provides, that.
 Providing that.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to «lien» is:
 (*ответ*) Detention.
 «Future goods».
 Re — sale.
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace «provided» by the right synonym:
 (*ответ*) On condition that.
The rule… the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer… the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
 (*ответ*) Provides that; provided.
 Provided that; provides that.
 Providing; provided.
 Provides that; provides.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from…
 (*ответ*) any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties
 any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties which is declared.
 any third parties changing it
 any change or incumbrance in favour of third parties
The seller has a right to re — sale the goods when
 (*ответ*) the buyer within a reasonable time refuses to pay for the goods.
 the customer refuses the goods within a reasonable time
 the broker refuses to buy the goods
 the buyer refuses to repay for the goods
The seller warrants to the buyer…
 (*ответ*) quiet enjoyment of the goods
 quiet use of the goods
 quiet using of the goods
 quiete enjoyment of the goods
The term «goods» includes all… other than… and money.
 (*ответ*) chattels personal; choses in action
 chattels in action; choses of goods
 chappels in action; choses personal
 choses in action; chattels personal
The term «goods» includes:
 (*ответ*) Chattels personal leaving out choses in action and money.
 All chattels personal.
 Choses in action and money.
The term «void contract» is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace «since» without changing the meaning:
 (*ответ*) For.
 Except if.

Ответ эксперта

It the consideration for the transfer of goods is other goods, the contract is one of.
 (*ответ*) Exchange and barter.
 Chose in action.
 Valuation .
It was our fault. Please… once again.
 (*ответ*) accept our apologies
 accept our apologising
 except our apologies
 expect our apologies
Now we are able to reduce the price of our computers by 10% due to the recent fall of the Us dollar. Replace «due to» without changing the meaning:
 (*ответ*) Because of.
 So as.
On a contract of sale there is an implied warranty that the buyer shall enjoy quiet possession of the goods. «Enjoy quiet possession» here means:
 (*ответ*) Have quiet possession.
 Have the goods free of charge.
 Have quite a possession.
 Can pay by degrees.
Retail stores constitute
 (*ответ*) 20 percent of all US businesses
 more than 71 percent of all US businesses
 50 percent of all US businesses
 31 percent of all US businesses
Retail stores constitute
 (*ответ*) 20 percent of all US businesses
 more than 71 percent of all US businesses
 50 percent of all US businesses
 31 percent of all US businesses
Stoppage in transitu belongs to the…
 (*ответ*) seller who is unpaid
 seller who is paid
 broker who is unpaid
 buyer who is unpaid
The breach of… will entitlle the injured party to repudiate the contract.
 (*ответ*) The condition.
 The disposal.
 The custody.
 The warranty.
The buyer and the seller of goods have a personal remedy if the contract of sale is broken by the… of one of the parties.
 (*ответ*) default
The consideration of a contract of sale must be….
 (*ответ*) money
 bargain and sale
 sale and delivery
The definition a contract of sale of goods which includes… as well as… is one «whereby the seller transfers or agrees to transfer the property in goods to the buyer for a money consideration called… «.
 (*ответ*) a bargain and sale; a sale and delivery; the price
 a bargach and sale; exchange and barter; the price
 a sale and delivery; the price; the valuation
 goods and sale; a bargain and delivery; the sum
The formalities now are that the signature of the person making the speciality contract must be witnessed and attested. Replace «speciality contract» by the right synonym:
 (*ответ*) Deed.
The law… certain conditional sale and creditsale agreements are unenforcable unless they are in writing.
 (*ответ*) Provides, that.
 Providing that.
The lien will be lost if the right is waived by the seller. The synonym to «lien» is:
 (*ответ*) Detention.
 «Future goods».
 Re — sale.
The property passes, provided everything has been done by the seller to put the goods into a deliverable state. Replace «provided» by the right synonym:
 (*ответ*) On condition that.
The rule… the property in the goods passes at once to the buyer… the goods are unconditionally appropriated to the contract by either party with the express or implied assent of the other.
 (*ответ*) Provides that; provided.
 Provided that; provides that.
 Providing; provided.
 Provides that; provides.
The seller also warrants that the goods are free from…
 (*ответ*) any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties
 any charge or incumbrance in favour of third parties which is declared.
 any third parties changing it
 any change or incumbrance in favour of third parties
The seller has a right to re — sale the goods when
 (*ответ*) the buyer within a reasonable time refuses to pay for the goods.
 the customer refuses the goods within a reasonable time
 the broker refuses to buy the goods
 the buyer refuses to repay for the goods
The seller warrants to the buyer…
 (*ответ*) quiet enjoyment of the goods
 quiet use of the goods
 quiet using of the goods
 quiete enjoyment of the goods
The term «goods» includes all… other than… and money.
 (*ответ*) chattels personal; choses in action
 chattels in action; choses of goods
 chappels in action; choses personal
 choses in action; chattels personal
The term «goods» includes:
 (*ответ*) Chattels personal leaving out choses in action and money.
 All chattels personal.
 Choses in action and money.
The term «void contract» is a contradiction in terms since the whole transaction is regarded as nullity. Replace «since» without changing the meaning:
 (*ответ*) For.
 Except if.

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