The teenagers from different countries are talking about their experience of studying English abroad. Choose the correct answer a, b, or с to complete the sentences.

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The teenagers from different countries are talking about their experience of studying English abroad. Choose the correct answer a, b, or с to complete the sentences.
1   I’ll go to study English in London next year if a I pass the exam successfully.
b I will pass the exam successfully. с I would pass the exam successfully.
2   If I had a chance to go abroad to study, a I’ll choose a London language school.
b I would choose a London language school, с I choose a London language school.
3   If he hadn’t done well at the exam, a he didn’t get a certificate.
b he wouldn’t get a certificate.
с he wouldn’t have got a certificate.
4   If I were you,
a I would study American English, b I’ll study American English, с I study American English.
5   I would have understood what they were talking about
a if I knew English better.
b if I had known English better.
С if I know English better.
6   I’d take a six-week English course in England if
a I would have more money. b I had more money, с I have more money.
7 If you stay with a family,
a you would have more language practice.
b you had more language practice.
с you will have more language practice.

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