The reaction proceeds at a temperature of 500C for 3 min 20 s.The temperature coefficient of the reaction rate is equal to 3 .How much time will end

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The reaction proceeds at a temperature of 500C for  3 min 20 s.The temperature coefficient of the reaction rate is equal to 3 .How much time will end this reaction at 300C .

Ответ эксперта

γ = 3
τ1 = 3 min 20 s
t1 = 500С
t2 = 300С
τ2 -?
τ  inversely proportionalt0 С
〖1)  γ〗^(Δt/10)  =3^((50-30)/10)  =3²=9
In 9 times the rate of reaction will decrease as the temperature decreases from 500C to 300C
2)   Time of course of the reaction at lower temperatures will increase by
9 times :200 sec • 9 = 1800 sec = 30 минут  — за столько времени закончится эта реакция при понижении температуры с 500С до 300С.
Answer:   at a temperature of 300 ° C for 30min the reaction stops.

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