The following messages were left on Angela and Bill’s answer machine. Imagine you are Angela. Your brother Bill has just got home. Report the messages to him.

Вопрос посетителя

The following messages were left on Angela and Bill’s answer machine. Imagine you are Angela. Your brother Bill has just got home. Report the messages to him.
-Hi, Bill. It’s me, Jason. Just calling to remind you we have football practice at 9. Hope to see you later.
-Hi, it’s Alan. Sorry I won’t be able to come. Tony had a nasty fall and we’re taking him to hospital.
-Patty here! I picked up the tickets on my way to work, so you don’t have to bother. See you later.

Ответ эксперта

Jason called to remind you that you have football practice at 9. He said he hoped to see you later. Also Alan phoned to say sorry he wouldn’t be able to come. He said Tony had had a nasty fall and that they were taking him to the hospital. Oh yes! And Potty called as well. She said she had picked up the tickets on her way to work and so you don’t have to bother.
Джейсон позвонил, чтобы напомнить тебе, что у тебя футбольная практика в 9. Он сказал, что надеется увидеть тебя позже. Также Алан позвонил попросить прощения за то, что он не сможет прийти. Он сказал, что Тони неудачно упал, и что они забирают его в больницу. О, да! И Пэтти позвонила. Он сказала, что взяла билеты по пути на работу, и поэтому тебе не нужно беспокоиться.

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