The Douglas famiiy like travelling and sharing impressions ot their trips. 1) What do they say about their trips? Complete the sentences with the words

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The Douglas famiiy like travelling and sharing impressions ot their trips.
1) What do they say about their trips? Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Explain your choice. Translate the sentences.
last year        every summer        now        soon        yet        next week
from June 15th to June 28th          last year        many times
in a week          when I was 7
We travel around England
I have travelled since
I travelled to America
I am travelling around Britain
I will travel to Scotland
I am going to travel to Spain
I am travelling to London
I was travelling around Britain
I have not travelled to Australia
I have travelled around Britain

Ответ эксперта

Наши  друзья любят путешествовать и делиться мнениями о своих поездках.
1) Что они говорят о своих впечатлениях от путешествия? Дополните предложения словами и фразами из рамки.
We travel around England every summer. I have travelled since I was 7. I travelled to America several times. I am travelling around Britain now. I will travel to Scotland soon. I am going to travel to Spain in a week. I am travelling to London next week. I was travelling around Britain from June 15th to June 28th last year.
I have not travelled to Australia yet. I have travelled around Britain last year.

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