The Club magazine organised a writing competition My Worst Trip. Here is Robert’s story. 1) Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.

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The Club magazine organised a writing competition My Worst Trip. Here is Robert’s story. 1) Robert’s story is mixed up. Put it in the correct order.
A.  Last summer I took a trip to London. My friend and I wanted to spend two weeks in this beautiful city. From Berlin we went by train. Then we took the ship to Dover. From Dover to Victoria Station in London we went by bus. The last part of our trip we wanted to travel by taxi, and we got in one of those funny British taxis.
B.  «Oh, in London there are six Lancaster Hotels. Can you tell me the address?» asked the taxi driver.
My friend answered, «No, sorry, we can’t. Take us to the next hotel, please.»
C.  The driver asked, «Where are you going to?»
I said, «One moment.» But I couldn’t find the slip of paper.1 On the slip was the name and address of our hotel. «Oh, dear! I have lost it!» I thought. My friend remembered the name and said, «Lancaster Hotel, please.»
D.  «You have to pay £ 25,» said the driver. I opened my bag. But what was that? A little slip with an address. I thought, «You are silly» and said to the driver, «I have found the address and the name of the hotel. Take us to the Manchester Hotel, 45 Bayswater Road, please.»
E.  But it wasn’t the right hotel. We were driving from one hotel to another but there was no room in any of the hotels for us. It was six o’clock in the evening and the taxi driver wanted to go home.
2) For questions 1-5, mark the sentences with «T» if they are true and with «F» if they are false.
1    Robert did not remember the address of the hotel.
2    Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel.
3   The boys didn’t want to pay £ 25 to the taxi driver.
4    There was no room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys.
5    The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London.
3) Write out one verb form from the story to match with each tense.
A Past Simple
В Past Progressive
С Present Perfect

Ответ эксперта

А, С, В, Е, D.
2) В вопросах  1-5 отметьте предложения «Т», если они верные, и «F», если они неверные.
1.  Robert did not remember the address of the hotel. — T (true -верно)
2.   Robert lost the slip of paper with the address of the hotel — T (true-верно)
3.   The boys didn’t want to pay 25 pounds to the taxi driver, — F (false-неверно)
4.   There was no room in the Lancaster Hotel for the boys. — T (true
5. The boys didn’t know about the six Lancaster Hotels in London. -T (true-верно)

1.  T (true — верно)
2.  T(true- верно)
3.  F (false-неверно)
4.  T(true    верно)
5.  T(true-верно)

3) Напишите  одну   глагольную  форму   из   истории,   чтобы
соотнести с каждым временем,.

A. Past Simple: took, wanted, went, got, asked, answered, said, thought, remembered, opened, was
В. Past Progressive: were driving.
С Present Perfect: have lost, have found.

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