The British government pays great attention to kids’ health. Here are some facts. Complete the sentences using the correct verb forms (Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Passive).

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The British government pays great attention to kids’ health. Here are some facts.
Complete the sentences using the correct verb forms (Present Perfect Progressive or Present Perfect Passive).
Junk food CO) has been banned (to ban) from schools since September 2006.
Kids (1)_____________________ (to eat) healthier food since then. Machines
(2)_____________________. (to sell) milk, water and fruit instead of chocolate
and crisps since that time. School cooks (3)_____________________ (to make)
school meals better all the time. Foods high in salt, fat and sugar
(4)_____________________ (to ban).
Smoking (5) _                               ___ (to know), since 1954, to be the cause of
dangerous diseases. Passive smoking is also very dangerous. In the UK adults
(6)_____________________ (to smoke) less since the 1980s. But young people
(7)_____________________ (to make) themselves ill for many years. Smoking
(8)_____________________(to ban) in public places like restaurants and bars
in Scotland since March 2006. Similar bans (9)_____________________(to introduce) in Ireland, Norway and parts of the US.
All alcohol (10)_____________________ (to ban) from British football stadiums
since 1985

Ответ от эксперта

1) have been eating; 2) have been selling; 3) have been making; 4) have been banned; 5) has been known; 6) have been smoking; 7) have been making; 8) has been banned; 9) have been introduced; 10) has been banned

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