The Atkinsons have got a lot of pictures from Chester* Zoo. What can Paul write about each picture? Comment on each picture. Use the words from the box on p. 62

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The Atkinsons have got a lot of pictures from Chester* Zoo.
 What can Paul write about each picture? Comment on each picture. Use the
words from the box on p. 62

Ответ эксперта

Аткинсоны посещают Честер. Это старинный город и он знаменит своим зоопарком. Аткинсоны часто ходят в зоопарк Честера и сделали много фотографий. Как вы думаете, что Пол напишет в письме о каждой фотографии?
Paul is going for a ride on the Zoo train. He sees the Zoo from the train.
Paul is looking at the beautiful birds in the Tropical House. He admires the beautiful birds.
Paul is enjoying the chimps’ tricks in the Chimpanzee House. He has an interesting book about chimps.
Paul is watching the animals. He knows much about crocodiles.
Paul is enjoying a hamburger. He likes this food.

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