The American president Theodore Roosevelt had a pet. What was it? Complete the crossword. 0. This bird is bigger than a duck. 1. This animal is smaller than a dog but its ears are longer.

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The American president Theodore Roosevelt had a pet. What was it? Complete the crossword.
0. This bird is bigger than a duck.
1.  This animal is smaller than a dog but its ears are longer.
2.  This animal is shorter «than a horse but taller than a sheep.
3.  This bird is smaller than a turkey but it can swim.
4.  This bird can’t fly but it is the heaviest bird.
5.  This animal is faster than a cow and you can ride it.
6.  This bird is smaller than a turkey. It can’t swim

Ответ эксперта

Словарный запас. У американского президента Теодора Рузвельта было домашнее животное. Кто это? Заполните кроссворд.
1.  rabbit;  2.  cow;  3.  duck; 4.  ostrich;  5. horse; 6. hen.
Raccoon — енот

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