Teenagers often write to magazines about the problems they worry about. For each gap in the passage choose the appropriate word: a, b, or c. For all five years of high school

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Teenagers often write to magazines about the problems they worry about. For each gap in the passage choose the appropriate word: a, b, or c.
For all five years of high school I had to (0) с certain courses. Only in grade
12 I was (1)______to choose the courses myself. In my last year, which is most
difficult time at school,  I’ve done better than in any other school years. It’s
because I’m (2) ______what I’m being taught and it makes learning fun and a
lot easier. I don’t think that English, History and Geography are easy courses.
But because they are my favourite subjects, school (3)______a much nicer place.
English is an important subject, so five years of learning this difficult language
is (4)———-But another language should not be (5)_______It should be the
pupil’s choice. Most people will never (6) ______ to speak it. And if you don’t
want to learn it, why (7)______so many years for something like that? I think,
that the pupils should be (8)   ______to choose subjects (9)______— they know
what’s important for them to (10) ______ in the future.
0    a   enter                               b  pass                                    ©  take
1    a   allowed                            b   recommended                      с   inspired
2    a   attending                        b  enjoying                              с   improving
3    a   looks                               b   makes                                 с   seems
4    a   available                          b  honoured                            с   necessary
5    a   compulsory                     b  extracurricular                   С   secondary
6    a   able                                 b   ought                                  с   need
7    a   attend                             b  study                                  с   waste
8    a   encouraged                      b  improved                            с   influenced
9    a   ourselves                         b  themselves                          с   yourselves
10    a   get on                             b  get out                               С   get up

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1 a 2 b 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 a

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