Talk with your friend 1 What does Goldilocks’ mother tell her every day? 2 Where does she take a walk? 3 Who lives in the wood?

Вопрос от пользователя

Talk with your friend
1   What does Goldilocks’ mother tell her every day?
2  Where does she take a walk?
3  Who lives in the wood?
4  What do the bears have for breakfast?
5  Why can’t they eat the porridge?

Ответ от эксперта

  1. What does Goldilocks’ mother tell her every day? — ‘Now, listen to me!’ — Что мама Златовласки говорит ей каждый день? «А теперь слушай меня!»
  2. Where does she take a walk? — Through the wood. — Как идет Златовласка? Через лес.
  3. Who lives in the wood? — Three bears. — Кто живет в лесу? Три медведя.
  4. What do the bears have for breakfast? — Porridge. — Что у медве­дей на завтрак? Каша.
  5. Why can’t they eat the porridge? Because it’s very hot. — Почему они не могут есть кашу? Потому что она горячая.
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