Take turns to offer help e.g. to buy some cough syrup, make a hot drink, call a doctor, help with the shopping etc. to your partner who is not feeling well.

Вопрос посетителя

Take turns to offer help e.g. to buy some cough syrup, make a hot drink, call a doctor, help with the shopping etc. to your partner who is not feeling well.
Offering help
¦    You sound/look awful. Let me…/Why don’t I…/Can I… (help you with…/get you… etc.)?
¦    Sorry you’re not well. Would you like me to…?
¦    You don’t look/sound very well at all. Shall I… for you?
Accepting    Refusing
•    Yes, please. That’s very kind of you.
•    Would you? That would be great/a great help!    •    Oh, no thanks, I’ll be fine.
•    That’s really kind, but I think I can manage to do it/get it etc myself.
•    Actually, I’ve already got/done etc it. Thanks anyway!
A: You look awful. Would you like me to make you a hot drink?
B: Oh, would you? That would be great!

Ответ эксперта

S1: Sorry you’ re not well. Would you like me to call a doctor?
S2: Actually, I’ve already called one. Thanks anyway!
S1: You don’t sound very well at all. Shall I buy some cough syrup?
S2: Yes please. That would be a great help!
Студент 1: Извини, тебе не хорошо. Не хотел бы ты, чтобы я позвонил доктору?
Студент 2: На самом деле, я уже позвонил одному. Спасибо, в любом случае!
Студент 1: С твоим голосом что-то не то. Мне купить сироп от кашля?
Студент 2: Да, пожалуйста. Это была бы отличная помощь!

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