Suggest ways that we can minimise water pollution. Clean water is our most precious resource, yet every day we dump about two million tons of waste into the world’s rivers

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Suggest ways that we can minimise water pollution.
Clean water is our most precious resource, yet every day we dump about two million tons of waste into the world’s rivers, lakes and streams. This not only spells bad news for the animals and plants that live in them, but can also make humans ill when the pollution floats down into the oceans that we swim in! There are several things we can do to restore our sick waterways back to health. First things first, make sure you NEVER throw anything that could be toxic down a drain or onto soil. Then, make sure that no litter, grass clippings or leaves are allowed to get washed into storm drains, as they could end up seriously harming aquatic creatures. Next, clean up after your dog!
Another way to reduce water pollution is to reduce excess
water runoff. You can do this by making sure that your sprinkler is watering just your garden, not the pavement too! You can also try sweeping, not hosing, your paths and cleaning your car with a bucket of water instead of a hosepipe. Better still, take it to be cleaned in a car wash, as they know how to dispose of waste water properly. Finally, try to use products that aren’t harmful to the environment, such as compost instead of chemical fertilisers.
Basically, remember that anything that gets onto the ground can eventually end up in a river, lake or stream! So, make sure you do not allow any chemicals or waste to go on the ground or down the drain.

Ответ от эксперта

• Never throw anything that could be toxic down a drain or into soil.
(Никогда не выбрасывайте ничего, что может быть токсичным в водопровод или на землю)
• Make sure no litter, grass clippings or leaves are allowed to get washed into storm drains.
(Будьте уверены, что никакой мусор, скошенная трава или листья не смываются в ливневую канализацию)
• Reduce excess water runoff.
(Снизьте избыточный сток воды)
• Try not to use a hose to clean your path or car.
(Старайтесь не использовать шланг, чтобы помыть дорожки или машину)
• Use products that are not harmful to the environment.
(Используйте продукты, которые не приносят вред окружающей среде)

resource: a useful or valuable possession
(ресурс: полезное или ценное владение)
spells bad news: is dangerous for
(означает плохие новости: опасность для)
floats: moves in water
(плавать: двигаться в воде)
restore: to return sth or sb to an earlier good condition
(восстанавливать: возвращать что-то или кого-то в прежнее хорошее состояние)
drain: pipe that carries water or sewage away from a place
(водоотвод: труба, которая переносит воду или канализацию от места)
grass clippings: small pieces of grass produced when cutting your lawn
(скошенная трава: маленькие кусочки травы, производимые, когда вы подрезаете газон)
aquatic creatures: animals that live in water
(водные существа: животные, которые живут в воде)
excess water: extra water that is not needed
(избыток воды: дополнительная вода, которая не нужна)
pavement: path at the side of the road which people walk on
(тротуар: дорожка на стороне дороги, по которой ходят люди)
sweeping: cleaning by using a brush
(мести: чистить при помощи метлы)
hosepipe: hose that people use to water their gardens or wash their cars
(шланг: шланг, который используют люди, чтобы поливать свои сады или мыть машины)
fertilisers: substances spread on plants to make them grow well
(удобрения: вещества, распространяемые на растения, чтобы они лучше росли)
eventually: in the end
(в конце концов: в конце)

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