Subject acceleration (also called partial acceleration) is a flexible _ which can advance a student in one field, such as mathematics or language, without changing

Вопрос посетителя

Knowledge of the child is _ most fundamental and important of the teacher’s preparation
 (*ответ*) the
Knowledge of _ minds and the way they work is certain to convince one that in order to teach efficiently we must get the child’s point of view
 (*ответ*) children’s
Many schools use a variety of assessments of students’ capability and potential when identifying _ children
 (*ответ*) gifted
Many teachers with thorough knowledge of their subjects _ because they do not understand the boys and girls who are to be taught
 (*ответ*) fail
Personality type _ to the psychological classification of different types of individuals
 (*ответ*) refers
Personality types are sometimes said to involve qualitative differences between people, whereas traits _ be construed as quantitative differences
 (*ответ*) might
Personality types are sometimes _ from personality traits, with the latter embodying a smaller grouping of behavioral tendencies
 (*ответ*) distinguished
Pupils _ advanced to a higher-level class covering material more suited to their abilities and preparedness
 (*ответ*) are
Some advocates have argued that the disadvantages of _ retained in a standard mixed-ability classroom are substantially worse than any shortcomings of acceleration
 (*ответ*) being
Some colleges offer early entrance programs that give gifted younger students the opportunity to _ college early
 (*ответ*) attend
Some teachers become _ concerned with mothering or entertaining students than with teaching them
 (*ответ*) more
Subject acceleration (also called partial acceleration) is a flexible _ which can advance a student in one field, such as mathematics or language, without changing other studies, such as history or physical education
 (*ответ*) approach

Ответ эксперта

Knowledge of the child is _ most fundamental and important of the teacher’s preparation
 (*ответ*) the
Knowledge of _ minds and the way they work is certain to convince one that in order to teach efficiently we must get the child’s point of view
 (*ответ*) children’s
Many schools use a variety of assessments of students’ capability and potential when identifying _ children
 (*ответ*) gifted
Many teachers with thorough knowledge of their subjects _ because they do not understand the boys and girls who are to be taught
 (*ответ*) fail
Personality type _ to the psychological classification of different types of individuals
 (*ответ*) refers
Personality types are sometimes said to involve qualitative differences between people, whereas traits _ be construed as quantitative differences
 (*ответ*) might
Personality types are sometimes _ from personality traits, with the latter embodying a smaller grouping of behavioral tendencies
 (*ответ*) distinguished
Pupils _ advanced to a higher-level class covering material more suited to their abilities and preparedness
 (*ответ*) are
Some advocates have argued that the disadvantages of _ retained in a standard mixed-ability classroom are substantially worse than any shortcomings of acceleration
 (*ответ*) being
Some colleges offer early entrance programs that give gifted younger students the opportunity to _ college early
 (*ответ*) attend
Some teachers become _ concerned with mothering or entertaining students than with teaching them
 (*ответ*) more
Subject acceleration (also called partial acceleration) is a flexible _ which can advance a student in one field, such as mathematics or language, without changing other studies, such as history or physical education
 (*ответ*) approach

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