Study the theory box. Use the adjectives to describe the people (1-3). Then make your own sentences. a) When describing people, mind the order of adjectives. Do not use more

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Study the theory box. Use the adjectives to describe the people (1-3). Then make your own sentences.
a) When describing people, mind the order of adjectives. Do not use more than three adjectives before a noun.
1 Mr Brown: teacher, elderly, kind, French
2 Sandy: colleague, patient, middle-aged, British
3 Boris Schwartz: tennis player, German, young, tall

Ответ от эксперта

1 Mr Brown is a kind elderly French teacher. (Мистер Браун — добрый пожилой французский учитель).
2 Sandy is a patient middle-aged British colleague. (Сэнди — терпеливый среднего возраста британский коллега).
3 Boris Schwartz is a tall young German tennis player. (Борис Шварц — высокий молодой немецкий теннисист).

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