Study the table, then rewrite the sentences, as in the example. 1 Tim lives far away so he was late for the meeting. > If Tim didn’t live so far away, he wouldn’t have been late for the meeting.

Вопрос от пользователя

Study the table, then rewrite the sentences, as in the example.
1 Tim lives far away so he was late for the meeting.
> If Tim didn’t live so far away, he wouldn’t have been late for the meeting.
2 Paul doesn’t listen to advice, so he didn’t do what you suggested.
3 Sue doesn’t do her job well, so she didn’t get promoted.
4 You didn’t hand in your project, so you won’t pass the course.
5 The train left on time, so they will have arrived by now.
6 Kate was studying all night, so she’s exhausted now.

Ответ от эксперта

2 If Paul listened to advice, he would have done what you suggested. (Если бы Пауль прислушивался к советам, он бы сделал то, что вы предложили)
3 If Sue did her job well, she would have got promoted. (Если бы Сью делала работу хорошо, она бы претендовала на продвижение по службе)
4 If you had handed in your project, you would pass the course. (Если бы вы отдали свои проект, вы бы прошли учебный курс)
5 If the train had left on time, they would be by now. (Если бы поезд прибыл вовремя, они были бы уже сейчас здесь)
6 If Kate wasn’t studying all night, she wouldn’t have been so exhausted now. (Если бы Кейт не училась всю ночь, она бы не была так истощена)

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