Study the examples. Then rewrite the sentences using too or enough, as in the example. Helen is too tired to do any housework. (She is so tired

Вопрос от пользователя

Study the examples. Then rewrite the sentences using too or enough, as in the example.
Helen is too tired to do any housework. (She is so tired that she can’t do any housework.)
This homework is too difficult for me (to do). (It’s so difficult that I can’t do it.)
He’s clever enough to fix the TV. (He is so clever that he can fix it.)
She’s not old enough to stay at home alone. (She needs to be older before she can stay at home alone.)
We’ve got enough sugar to make a cake. (We’ve got so much sugar that we can make a cake.)
1    Mary is so busy that she can’t come out tonight. > Mary is too busy to come out tonight.
2    James is so clever that he can solve this problem.
3    I have so much money that I can buy this expensive watch.
4    They were so tired that they fell asleep during the film.
5    We’ve got so much food that we can give you some.
6    He spoke so fast that I couldn’t understand him.

Ответ от эксперта

2 James is clever enough to solve this problem.
(Джеймс достаточно умный, чтобы решить эту проблему)
3 I have enough money to buy this expensive watch.
(У меня достаточно денег, чтобы купить эти дорогие часы)
4 They were too tired to stay awake during the film.
(Они так устали, чтобы бодрствовать во время фильма)
5 We’ve got enough food to give you some.
(У нас достаточно еды, чтобы дать вам немного)
6 He spoke too fast for me to understand him.
(Он говорил слишком быстро, чтобы я мог понять его)

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