Study the example and translate the following sentences into Russian. She has neither brothers nor sisters. = She is the only child in her family. 1) Alice is the only child in her family.

Вопрос от пользователя

Study the example and translate the following sentences into Russian.
She has neither brothers nor sisters. = She is the only child in her family.
1) Alice is the only child in her family.
2) I’m afraid, it’s the only solution to the problem.
3) You are the only person I can share my secrets with.
4) He’s the only singer with such a fantastic voice, isn’t he?
5) Which is the only country in the world that occupies a whole continent?

Ответ от эксперта

1) Алиса единственный ребенок в своей семье.
2) Я боюсь, это единственное решение для данной проблемы.
3) Ты единственный человек, с которым я могу поделиться секретами.
4) Он единственный певец с таким фантастическим голосом, верно?
5) Какая страна в мире занимает большую часть материка?

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