Study the box. Then join the sentences with the words in bold. We use as soon as, when, after, until and then to introduce time and show a sequence of events.

Вопрос от пользователя

Study the box. Then join the sentences with the words in bold.
We use as soon as, when, after, until and then to introduce time and show a sequence of events.
The phone rang as soon as he entered the room.
1 Otto and Axel found a message. They decided to go on a dangerous journey. (as soon as)
2 They looked around. They heard a noise. (until)
3 They hid behind some bushes. They heard the noise. (when)
4 They went to meet Hans. Axel found an old knife. (after)

Ответ от эксперта

1 Otto and Axel decided to go on a dangerous journey as soon as they found a message. (Отто и Аксель решили отправиться в опасное путешествие, как только они нашли послание)
2 They looked around until they heard a noise. (Они осматривались вокруг до тех пор, пока не услышали звук)
3 They hid behind some bushes when they heard the noise. (Они спрятались за какими-то кустами, когда они услышали звук)
4 After Axel found an old knife, they went to meet Hans. (После того, как Аксель нашёл старый нож, они пошли искать Ханса)

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