Study skills Role-playing Try to use your imagination when role-playing. Think of the situation, who you are,

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Study skills
Try to use your imagination when role-playing. Think of the situation, who you are, how you might feel, what gestures you might use etc. This will make your dialogue more realistic.
6 Imagine you are Jackie. You are just on your way back from the police station, when you bump into a friend. Tell him/her all about the incident you witnessed. Your partner asks for details.
> A: Hi Tim! Hey, you’ll never guess what happened to me today.
В: What?
A: I was coming back home from school when I saw an old lady get robbed, etc.

Ответ эксперта

В: Wow, what happened?
A: A man came speeding down the road on his motorbike and came up on the pavement and grabbed her bag.
B: Did he hurt her?
A: Yes. She fell over and badly bruised her leg.
B: That is terrible. Was she going to be OK?
A: Yes, but he got all of her credit cards and the 200 pounds she had just drawn from the bank.
B: That is very sad. I don’t like hearing stories like that.
A: I told the police everything I saw. I hope they catch him.
В: Оу, что случилось?
А: Мужчина промчался вниз по дороге на своем мотоцикле, затем поднялся на тротуар и выхватил сумку.
В: Он ударил ее?
А: Да. Она упала и ужасно ушибла ногу.
В: Это ужасно. С ней все в порядке?
А: Да, но у нее были все кредитные карты и 200 фунтов, которые она сняла в банке.
В: Это очень печально. Мне не нравится слышать подобные истории.
А: Я рассказал полиции все, что видел. Надеюсь, они поймают его.

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