Student A. Look at card A. Write and ask your partner polite questions to find out the missing information on your card. Answer his (her) questions.

Вопрос посетителя

Student A. Look at card A. Write and ask your partner polite questions to find out the missing information on your card. Answer his (her) questions.
Student B. Look at card В on p. 10. Write and ask your partner polite questions to find out the missing information on your card. Answer his (her) questions.

Ответ эксперта

Card A

Do you know where the Great Lakes are situated? Do you know which lake is the largest of the Great Lakes? Do you know which is the biggest state of the USA? Do you know which states are separated from the others? Do you know how many time zones there are in the USA? Do you know what and where is the first National Park? Do you know which state Disney World is situated in? Do you know which state is the highest mountain in?

Card В

Do you know which is the longest river? Do you know what the first capital of the USA was? Do you know what is the smallest state of the USA? Do you know what city 1996 Summer Olympics were held in? Do you know which state the highest tree grows in? Do you know which four states begin with the word new? Do you know what the lowest spot of the USA is?

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