Solve the problems and write them as it is shown in the model. Example: 1. 102 +135 = 237 One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty five is two hundred and thirty seven

Вопрос от пользователя

Solve the problems and write them as it is shown in the model.
Example: 1. 102 +135 = 237
One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty five is two hundred and thirty seven

Ответ от эксперта

1. Solve the problems and write them as it is shown in the model.
Example: 1. 102 +135 = 237
One hundred and two plus one hundred and thirty five is two hundred and thirty seven.
2. 70 + 47 = Seventy plus fourty-seven is one hundred and seventeen.
3. 3,586 + 89 = Three thousand five hundred and eighty-six plus eighty-nine is three thousand six hundred and seventy-five.
4. 9,000,000 — 8,800,000 = Nine million minus eight hundred thousand is two hundred thousand.
5. 4,874 — 2,672 = Four thousand eight hundred and seventy-four minus two thousand six hundred and seventy-two is two thousand two hundred and two.
6. 1,000,000 — 5,647 = Jne million minus five thousand six hundred and fourty-seven is nine hundred ninty-four thousand three hundred and fifty-three.

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