Solve the «Political Puzzle». Down: 1 Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the conservative Party and Prime Minister of Great Britain.

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Solve the «Political Puzzle».
1    Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the conservative Party and Prime Minister of Great Britain.
2    Realistic political leaders believe that disagreements should be solved through negotiations, and never through armed conflicts.
3    The Republican Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States.
4    When people want to support a candidate, they vote for him / her in a political election.
5    When people change a political system by force, they make a revolution.
6    Lots of former colonies spent centuries to become independent states.
7    All politics related things are called political issues.
1 Controversial issue causes lots of disagreements because people have different opinions on them.
7    Parliament is the main law-making institution in the UK.
8    Gordon Brown became the leader of the Labour Party of Great Britain in 2007. He was preceded by Tony Blair.
9    Progressive political leaders promote the idea of cultural, political and religious tolerance they object to violence and fighting.
10 Unwise economic policies can lead to an economic crisis, which leads to unemployment and inflation.

Ответ эксперта

По вертикали:
1. conservative;
2. negotiations;
3. republican;
4. vote;
5. revolution;
6. independent;
7. political.

По горизонтали:
1. controversial;
7. parliament;
8. democratic;
9. tolerance;
10. crisis.

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