Say which paragraph(s) give(s) information about: 1 the time, the place and the people in the story 2 the events one after the other 3 what happened in the end and how the people felt

Вопрос от пользователя

Say which paragraph(s) give(s) information about:
1 the time, the place and the people in the story
2 the events one after the other
3 what happened in the end and how the people felt

Ответ от эксперта

  1. the time, the place and the people in the story — С — время, место и люди в рассказе
  2. the events one after the other — А — события одно за другим
  3. what happened in the end and how the people felt — А, D — что произошло в конце и что чувствуют люди
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