Say is the following are true or false T/F 1. There were lots of tourists in Trafalgar Square at night False. There were no tourists in Trafalgar Square

Вопрос от пользователя

Say is the following are true or false
1. There were lots of tourists in Trafalgar Square at night    False. There were no tourists in Trafalgar Square

Ответ от эксперта


1. There were lots of tourists in Trafalgar Square at night

False. There were no tourists in Trafalgar Square

2. The four lions decided to eat one of the guards at Buckingham Palace

False. The four lions decided to go to Buckingham Palace and scare one of the guards

3. Susan was very careful in St.James Park because she liked fowers


4. When the guard at Buckingham Palace saw the lions, he run away

False. The guard didn’t move

5. When Albert roared, the royal guards ran out of the palace


6. The four friends ran back to Trafalgar Square


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