Russia is a huge country which covers an area of 17 million square kilometres. Russia is washed in the north by_________and its seas:

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Russia is a huge country which covers an area of 17 million square kilometres.
Russia is washed in the north by_________and its seas:___________,
_______, and
____________, in the south by_____________,____________, and
____________Seas; in the east by___________,____________, and
_______,_____ ; in the west by______________. The size of Russia is
hard to imagine, A flight from___________to __________takes eight
hours. Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes. Among the world’s
longest rivers rank________, the three mighty Siberian rivers:________ ,
______._____ , and___________, and___________. The largest of all
Russia’s rivers is__________. The three largest lakes in Russia are
___________in South-Eastem Siberia and_________and_________in
Northern Russia, The relief of Russia is mostly flat. It’s located on two
plains:_______________and_______________. There are three main
mountain ranges in Russia.______________________stretch from the
Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is______________.
________________extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They
divide the European and Asian parts of Russia.

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