Russell Baker is an American journalist. Read about Russell Baker’s job which he did when he was eight. Fill in the gaps with have to and must in the correct form.

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Russell Baker is an American journalist.
Read about Russell Baker’s job which he did when he was eight. Fill in the gaps with have to and must in the correct form.
When Russell Baker was a small boy, he worked as a paper boy.
He didn’t like this job because he (1)______ do a lot of things he
did not like. He (2) _______ get up early. He (3) _______ carry a
heavy bag with a lot of newspapers. He (4)______walk from house
to house and ring the doorbells. Every day he (5) _______ sell 30
newspapers   but   he   didn’t.   His   mother   told   him,   «You   (6)
work a lot. You (7) _______ know that life is not all play. If you
want to make a fortune you (8) _______ have the character. If at
first you cannot do what you should, you (9) _______ feel unhappy. You (10)______work and work.» In his dreams Russell wanted to be a writer. He thought the life of a writer was easy. Writers (11)______to walk from house to house. They (12)______ carry
a heavy bag. They (13) ______ ring doorbells. And what is more,
writers (14) _______ have the character.

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