Role play. You are speaking with your British friend. Complete the conversation. Your friend: Let’s go to the cafe together.

Вопрос посетителя

Role  play. You are speaking with your British friend.
Complete the conversation.
Your friend: Let’s go to the cafe together.
You: I’m sorry, but I. It is a rule in our family.
I hope I can go.
Your friend: Yes, I do. I have to ask my parents before I go anywhere, too.  I think it is fair. Do you have to follow some other rules? You

Ответ эксперта

Ролевая игра. Ты разговариваешь со своим британским другом. Дополните диалог.
Варианты ответа:
1.  I have to get my parents’ permission./I have to tell my parents./I have to ask my parents first.
2.  Do you have to get your parents’ permission if you want to go anywhere?/Do you have to tell your parents first?/Do you have to ask your parents first?
3.   I think they are wise (useful,  fair)./The rules are wise (useful, fair).

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