Role play. Celia is telling Melanie about her visit to Legoland Windsor*. Find their conversation. — Dad took me to Legoland Windsor yesterday. — I really like it.

Вопрос посетителя

Role  play. Celia is telling Melanie about her visit to Legoland Windsor*.    Find their conversation.
—  Dad took me to  Legoland Windsor yesterday.
—  I really like it.
—  I really enjoyed it.
—  Yes, a castle.
—  Yes, on Sunday.
—  It was fantastic. Have you ever been there?
—  It was fantastic. Were you there?
—  I   think   you’ll   have   fun there, too.
—  I think you like it, too

Ответ эксперта

Ролевая игра. Селия и Мелани обмениваются мнениями об их любимых местах. Найдите их разговор.
Celia: Dad took me to Legoland Windsor yesterday.
Melanie: Did you like it?
Celia: I really enjoyed it.
Melanie: Did you build anything with Lego bricks there?
Celia: Yes, a castle. Melanie: What was it like? Celia: It was fantastic. Have you ever been there?
Melanie: No, but I’d like to go sometime. Celia: I think you’ll have fun there, too.

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