Robert did a free time survey among his friends. Here are some results. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.

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Robert did a free time survey among his friends.
Here are some results.
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Steve is (0)   fond   of listening to music. He finds it (1) _____________. He
(2)________buys new CDs of his favourite pop singers. David is (3)_________on
climbing. He goes to the climbing club (4)___________. He thinks that climbing is
a (5) _______________ hobby. Tom has (6)_______________ridden a horse but he
is (7) ,______about horses. He would like to (8)______________up horse-riding.
In his free time Jack prefers (9) ____________ out with his friends in the park.
(10)________________ they play netball and other games in the school playground.
He finds football the most (11)_________________sport to play and to watch.

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